AeroAid provide seats which have been fully Overhauled to Zero Time condition, and also have the capability to  provide seats with new plastic trim, new cushion foams, new covers and if required,  have the I.F.E. provisions Replaced, Overhauled or Bench tested.

Aeroaid can provide different levels of Overhaul services to customer’s seats, which range from an “On the Line”, Service Inspections, and Defect Rectification to a full Tear down/ Rebuild and Comprehensive Overhaul package to a Zero Time Condition, while the aircraft is on Line or Base Maintenance.


The various levels of service can be tailored to meet your work and budgetary requirements. We carry a huge inventory of spares in stock for OEM’s including ACRO, Collins, Recaro, Safran, Geven, Thompson, Avio Interiors, ZIM etc.

As part of all Refurbishment Programs, we liaise with the Seat Manufacturer directly on behalf of our customer and return the seats to the customer with EASA FORM ONES & FAA Dual Release Certificates. All of our work is carried out to the Latest Maintenance Data specifications from Component Maintenance Manuals and Illustrated Parts Catalogue, Compliance with S.B. and A.D.’s and any other applicable approved documentation.


The level of Refurbishment will be completely tailored to your specific requirements, and AeroAid will provide you with detailed work-packs, to select from and you select which package best suits specific requirements.

All prices quoted will be for complete work packages and will be fixed, prior to Commencement of work.